New revelation! Body Con!

I am a little slow picking up on this term – BodyCon. I realized tonight that I have been missing out on describing some of my vintage clothing accurately! I am almost 100% sure that bodyCon stands for Body Conscious (and sexy, tight and stretchy!)  Please let me know if I have totally misinterpreted that! I immediately went to my Etsy store and edited some of my descriptions so they will reach their intended buyers…… are some of my bodycon listings  🙂

Western Wear for cowgirls and wannabe’s!

I have had the best luck this week finding cool things for my store! I wanted to show you several pieces that are authentic western wear or western inspired……..

New toy to play with from Santa

I received an XBox 360 Kinect for Christmas! I also received a Zumba DVD to go with it. Have you ever taken a Zumba class? It’s a salsa type dancing that you do in a class or even by yourself, especially if you’re at home in front of the XBox! It has  great latin music that gets you moving! I am hopeful that it will inspire me to actually want to exercise. I do love to dance! Maybe I won’t even notice that I am also getting in shape! My goal is to lose ten pounds by the end of Feb., as my darling husband and I are going on a cruise with friends!

In vintage news, I have continued to list all kinds of goodies throughout the holidays. If you’ve been too busy to be at your computer, check out some of the new fashions I am selling in my Etsy store…….